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SADR: 40 years of achievements towards liberalization and completion of sovereignty

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Shahid El Hafed, February 20, 2016 (SPS) - Saharawi people celebrates on February 27th, the 40th anniversary of the proclamation of their state, SADR, and achievements towards liberalization and completion of sovereignty, after having succeeded in overcoming the first stages of establishment and the repercussions of the division plot and Moroccan military invasion to Sahrawi territory and displacement of its people and depriving it from exercising its right to freedom and self-determination.


Forty years have passed and Sahrawi people has managed, thanks to its sacrifices and national unity, to consolidate Sahrawi entity and build its national institutions despite the difficult circumstances of refuge and lack of resources, and Sahrawi state has become a symbol for every Sahrawi and a source of pride for them everywhere.


Sahrawis fought fierce battles against the Moroccan invaders, where Sahrawi People's Liberation Army engaged in historical epics through which it subdued the Moroccan army, backed by the mightiest colonial powers, and the military action was a key factor in achieving further gains at the national and international levels, where recognitions of Sahrawi Republic succeeded from all continents of the world in support of the legitimate demands of Saharawi people and its just struggle.


Not surprisingly, most of the recognizing states were Africans, and the crucial and historic decision of the Organization of African Unity in 1984 to accept membership of the Sahrawi Republic, something that constituted a setback for Morocco and isolation at the level of the continent, by contrast, SADR reinforced its presence as a founding member of the organization, became known in 2002 as the African Union.


Parliamentarians and parties of their governments demanded recognition of the Sahrawi Republic, including Swedish Parliament endorsing a resolution on recognition of SADR in 2012, Spanish united left party calling for recognition in 2013, and the Finnish Communist Party demanding recognition on Jan. 27, 2016. (SPS)

