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WFDY reiterates its call for the decolonization in Western Sahara

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Moscow, February 09, 2016 (SPS) -The General Council of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) reiterated its support to the Saharawi people struggle for freedom and independence, calling on the UN to accelerate the decolonization of the last colony in Africa , Western Sahara.



In a statement closing its General Council held in Moscow, the Federation expressed solidarity with the struggle of young Saharawis against the Moroccan occupier for self-determination and independence.


The intervention of Saharawi Union’s delegation focused on the need to accelerate the decolonization of Western Sahara through the holding of a self-determination referendum for the Saharawi people and the protection of human rights in the occupied Saharawi territories and to stop the looting of Saharawi natural resources by the Moroccan occupier in complicity with foreign companies, particularly European. (SPS)

