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Palestinians are aware of the suffering of the Sahrawi people from their own experience (PFLP)

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Dakhla (Saharawi refugee camps), December 16, 2015 (SPS) - The representative of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in Algiers, Mohamed Salah, affirmed Wednesday in the Sahrawi refugee camps of Dakhla that the Palestinians fully aware of the suffering of the Saharawi people from their own experience and suffering as a result of the Israeli occupation.


 In a statement to APS on the sidelines of the 14th Congress of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Salah, made a comparison between "the suffering of the Sahrawi people against the oppression of the Moroccan regime and that of the Palestinian victims of the abuses of Israeli occupation ".    


 He added that his participation in the 14th Congress of the Frente Polisario was to reaffirm "the support and strategic solidarity of Palestine with the Sahrawi people in their struggle for the liberation and recovery of their right to self-determination and sovereignty over their territories".


Le représentant du FPLP à Alger a également exprimé "la pleine solidarité du peuple palestinien avec le peuple sahraoui, victime de l'oppression du régime marocain, notamment dans les villes sahraouies occupées". (SPS)


The representative of the PFLP in Algiers also expressed "full solidarity of the Palestinian people with the Sahrawi people, victim of the oppression of the Moroccan regime, especially in the occupied Sahrawi territories". (SPS)

