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Ross reiterates Ban Ki-moon’s position for solution guaranteeing Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination

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Washington, December 09, 2015 (SPS)- Personal Envoy of UN Secretary General for Western Sahara Christopher Ross reiterated Tuesday, in New York, Ban Ki-moon’s position for a political solution guaranteeing the Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination.


I underline that during my several discussions, different interpretations on the purpose of my mission and the scope of my mandate were expressed, said Ross in a briefing to the Security Council, adding that UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon reiterated his comprehension of process in his declaration of 4 November.


Ban Ki-moon pointed out that the aim of the process is to reach an agreement about the final status of Western Sahara and he tasked me to step up my efforts to facilitate to the two sides (in conflict, Morocco and Polisario Front) to enter into negotiations without any preconditions and in good faith to reach a mutually acceptable political solution granting the Sahrawi people the right to self-determination, stressed Ross.


Ross reminded in his five-page briefing Ban Ki-moon’s call to the two sides in conflict to quickly start direct and true negotiations.


He underlined that UN secretary general gives a particular attention to the Sahrawi issue which requires an “urgent solution,” affirming that the continuation of this conflict could be a “time bomb.” (SPS)

