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President of Republic reaffirms support for UN SG Personal Envoy

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Bir Lehlou, 22 Nov 2015 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, has reiterated support of the Polisario Front for Personal Envoy Mr. Christopher Ross, in a letter to United Nations Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon, received Sunday by SPS.


 “Consistent with your statement of 4 November, we reaffirm our support for your Personal Envoy Christopher Ross in his work to facilitate the entry of the parties into negotiations that would lead to a mutually acceptable political solution, which will provide for the self-determination of the Sahrawi people of Western Sahara,” said the President of the Republic in his letter.  


The President of the Republic expressed “deep concern” of the Sahrawi people at the content of King Mohamed VI’s recent speech in the occupied city of Laayoune on 6 November, on the fortieth anniversary of Morocco’s illegal invasion of Western Sahara. The statement by the King that he is now accelerating a “Development Model for the Southern Provinces” in order to “seal this province’s integration into the unified homeland” is a further confirmation of Morocco’s unwillingness to respect the current international status of Western Sahara as a Non-Self-Governing Territory, he added.


Furthermore, he expressed deep concern at a recent statement by Moroccan Foreign Minister Salah Eddine Mezouar that Morocco will not allow the Personal Envoy to travel to the Territory of Western Sahara, which constitutes a blatant interference with the ability of the Personal Envoy to carry out his mandate and a violation of the UN Charter.   


King Mohamed VI of Morocco immediately clarify the content of his speech and seek reaffirmation of his commitment to negotiations on a process of self-determination for the people of Western Sahara, in accordance with multiple resolutions of the UN Security Council and General Assembly.


He recommend the UN SG to use his power under Article 99 of the UN Charter to bring these recent developments and the situation in Western Sahara to the attention of the UN Security Council and that the Council issue a statement endorsing and supporting fully his call for intensive direct negotiations between the parties, with no preconditions and in good faith.


He also asked him to make clear his expectation that his Personal Envoy will be free to travel in Western Sahara, consistent with his mandate and the international character of his role. (SPS)

