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Polisario Front calls on UN Security Council to break current impasse in Western Sahara peace process

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New York (United Nations), 22 Nov 2015 (SPS) - Polisario Front called on the United Nations Security Council to break the current impasse in the peace process in Western Sahara because of Morocco’s intransigence, adding that this conflict “cannot be infinitely extended.”


In a letter addressed recently by the Polisario Front representative at the United Nations, Ahmed Boukhari, to the President of the Security Council, Boukhari underline that the Polisario Front hailed the call of the United Nations’ Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon to parties in the conflict, “the Polisario Front and Morocco to engage in negotiations to find a solution to the conflict and to cooperate with the Personnel Envoy, Christopher Ross, in order to reach a fair settlement to the Western Sahara conflict.”


Adding that Morocco cannot continue in its escalating campaign that “consolidates” its illegal occupation of Western Sahara, Boukhari added that Moroccan King’s recent speech in occupied Al-El Aaiun “is a challenge by Morocco of its international legitimacy which considers Western Sahara a non-autonomous territory whose fate remains to be defined.”


The situation of frustration and lack of confidence in the United Nations is increasing for the Sahrawi people in the Sahrawi refugee camps and the occupied territories, in particular among the youth who reject the current impasse,” said the Sahrawi representative. (SPS)

