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Algeria's representative to UN pleads for Saharawi people's "fundamental" right to self-determination

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New York (UN), 17 Oct 2015 (SPS) - Permanent Representative of Algeria at the United Nations, Boukadoum Sabri, stressed that the Western Sahara issue could be solved by ensuring the Saharawi people's "fundamental" right to the self-determination.


Speaking during the debate of the Committee on Special Political and Decolonization of the United Nations in New York, Boukadoum recalled that the Western Sahara issue comes under the decolonization process, stressing that it does has not been resolved since Western Sahara is on the list of non-self-governing territories.


He noted, moreover, the Western Sahara issue represents "an African issue, as evidenced by the African Union's stances in favor of the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination", which was recognized, he recalled, by the UN Security Council and General Assembly.


"We must ensure that no one undermines the rules set by the General Assembly and the Security Council, which are referents, not parties," said the Algerian representative, calling on the UN to "assume its responsibilities and to ensure the protection of human rights and preserve the natural resources of that territory. "


The representative of Algeria also said that he shares the opinion expressed by some delegations, according to which, the conflict in Western Sahara was a threat to the region. He reaffirmed, in this regard, Algeria's determination to strengthen its cooperation with the UN on this issue.


Algeria will be "the first to hail when the Saharawi people decides its fate," he said. (SPS)

