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POLISARIO attends the annual congress of Danish Red - Green Alliance Party

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Copenhagen (Denmark), Sept 27, 2015 (SPS) – The Representative of the POLISARIO Front to Denmark, Mr. Abba Malainin, attended the annual Congress of the Danish Red-Green Alliance Party (Enhedslisten) held from 26th, to 27th, Sept  in Copenhagen, at an official invitation by the Party.


 The Danish Red - Green Alliance Party defends in the Danish Parliament the recognition of Western Sahara as independent state as well as it has unwavering position for supporting human rights mandate for MINURSO to monitor and report about human rights in Western Sahara and it is against the illegal exploitations of Saharawi People’s Natural Resources.


The Saharawi representative has met various delegations attending the Congress from Holland, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Sweden, Cyprus, Colombia and France.


  It is worth mentioning that the Red-Green Alliance party has 14 members in the Danish Parliament. (SPS)

