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Polisario Front urges UN to take on responsibility for rapid implementation of resolution 1514

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Boumerdes (Algeria), 10 Augast 2015 (SPS) –Member of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front, in Charge of the Political Branches, Salem Lebsir, Saturday urged the United Nations to take on its responsibility for the rapid implementation of the UN 1514 resolution on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples, particularly Western Sahara as the last colony in Africa.


"The restoration of peace in the region necessarily requires a just and democratic solution to the conflict between Western Sahara and Morocco," insisted Lebsir, in a statement at the closing ceremony of the 6th edition of the Summer University of the Polisario Front and the Saharawi Arab Republic.


The same official added that "the slogan of the 6th edition of the Summer University of Polisario executives reflected the constant threat of Moroccan colonial state's policies, based on aggression and supported by its position as top producer and exporter of drugs."


"These policies contribute to the formation, financing and encouragement of the mafias of organized crime and terrorist groups," which, he said, "has created instability in the Sahel region and Northern-West Africa."


After praising the sacrifices and heroic efforts of the uprising for independence in the colonized regions, southern Morocco and university sites, Lebsir said "it is a shame for the international community to remain silent, without acting to put an end to violations of human rights, the plundering of Saharawi wealth and assault committed by the Moroccan colonial state against the Saharawi powerless civilians".


At the end of the works of the University Summer, Labsir stressed the need to end the embargo established by the Moroccan colonial state to asphyxiate the region, pleading for the "demolishing the wall built by the coloniser and the release of detainees from the Gdeim Izik camp, who are subject to arbitrary decisions of the Military Court of the Moroccan colonial state, as well as all Sahrawi people and political detainees in Moroccan prisons."


In his message, Lebssir paid tribute to the enormous sacrifice and resistance of the Saharawi prisoners "who fight for freedom, dignity and defence of the legitimate rights of the Saharawi people", calling on this occasion, the international community and all global organizations and institutions to act and exert more pressure on Morocco to end its colonization and release all Saharawi detainees.


The same official seized the opportunity to call on the Sahrawi people to strengthen unity and solidarity to face together the policies and conspiracies of the Moroccan colonial state to bury the Saharawi people's right to existence, self-determination and independence. (SPS)

