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France indirectly exploits Western Sahara wealth through Morocco (Saharawi official)

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Algiers, July 27, 2015 (SPS) .- "France indirectly exploits Western Sahara wealth through Morocco," said the president of the Summer University in Algeria, Mohamed Lamine Ahmed in response to a question on France's interest to support Moroccan State against the Saharawi cause.

Speaking yesterday at the Forum organized by the newspaper El Moudjahid, Ahmed denounced that France indirectly exploits the country's wealth through Morocco, stressing that Western Sahara economic and strategic importance pushes Morocco, in order to ensure its control of its natural resources, to fight tooth and nail and use all kinds of torture to dissuade Sahrawi people from defending his cause.

"Tomato is one of the best in the world, marine resources fisheries are in fifth position throughout the world, while the phosphate is better than Russia's. But with the struggle of the Saharawi cause activists denouncing the illegal exploitation of the country's ressources, some important companies withdrew from the market like those of Norway, US and Spain", he added.

Furthermore, Mohamed Lamine Ahmed called to the need to know the history of the Saharawi cause in the new Algerian generation especially because both countries share the same history, and all over the world to denounce Moroccan regime abuses against the Saharawi people. That is possible organizing conferences and screenings of historic films this summer in the city of Boumerdes. SPS

