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African consensus on need for quick solution to Saharawi conflict

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Algiers, 24/06/2015 (SPS).- The Saharawi ambassador to Algiers Brahim Ghali reported an "African consensus" on the need for a quick solution to the Saharawi question in accordance with international law to reach lasting and comprehensive peace in the continent."


"After the decisions taken by the African Union (AU) at the last summit held in Johannesburg (South Africa), it is clear that there is an African consensus on the need to quickly find a solution to the Saharawi question in accordance with international law to achieve a lasting and comprehensive peace in the continent," said the Saharawi Ambassador Tuesday night at a press conference held at the headquarters of the Saharawi Embassy in Algiers.


The Saharawi diplomat considered that the AU's recent decisions on the Saharawi question "are extremely important and meet the aspirations of the present stage" including the call by the UN to set, within the shortest possible time, a date for the referendum on self-determination of the Saharawi people.


He expressed the wish that this approach resonates with the EU and the UN Security Council, stressing that the recent decisions of the AU "should not remain dead letters." "The AU should create the implementation mechanisms of these decisions as soon as possible," he argued.


Moreover, the same official said Secretary General of the UN Ban Ki Moon was preparing a visit to the region, to "give a new impetus to UN efforts to resolve the Saharawi question in accordance with UN charters and resolutions.


This visit will be an opportunity for Ban Ki Moon to discuss "the Moroccan obstacles impeding the settlement of the Saharawi question in its legal process." SPS

