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UNHCR bemoans "increasingly untenable" conditions of Sahrawi refugees

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Algiers, 22 June 2015 (SPS) - The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) bemoaned Sunday, through its representative in Algeria, Hamdi Bukhari, the "increasingly untenable" condition of the Sahrawi refugees.


"The World Refugee Day is an opportunity to highlight the increasingly untenable situation for Western Sahara refugees and to demand the international community to continue to support the provision of refugees' needs," UNHCR said in a statement issued public on the World Day.


After a meeting that brought together the three UN WFP, UNICEF and UNHCR agencies, the same official noted that "the degree of attention to the crisis has sharply diminished," saying it "is overshadowed by the unprecedented number of humanitarian emergencies that affect the world."


In this regard, he stressed that "the reduction of funds will result in a reduction of the assistance and the people will continue to suffer."


Accordingly, UN agencies say they are "facing enormous difficulties to meet the urgent humanitarian needs of the Sahrawi refugees, as the sectors of water and food are the most concerned." (SPS)

