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President of Saharawi Red Crescent confirms break in humanitarian aid to Sahrawi refugee camps

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Shaheed Elhafed (Refugee Camps), 31 May 2015 (SPS) - President of Sahrawi Red Crescent Bouhabeini Yahya confirmed Sunday the break in the arrival of humanitarian aid to the Saharawi refugee camps from the donor agencies, in reply to the national media on the results of the recent visit by a delegation of the embassies of the donor countries to the Sahrawi refugee camps, and what has been reported by the Spanish media that the government will increase its humanitarian aid to the Sahrawi refugees.


"It is regrettable that no new aid has arrived, the humanitarian situation in the Sahrawi refugee camps remains of increasing concern for us, no urgent intervention has been made by donor agencies, and the basic food stock will witness an interruption as from July," he said.


In regard to the contribution of the Spanish government he replied, "it witnessed a great reduction of more than 53%, at a time when its contribution to the neighboring Morocco, Mauritania and Mali reached a significant rise," adding that "the reduction which affected its contribution to the Sahrawi refugees program is the biggest in the region."  


On this occasion, the President of the Saharawi Red Crescent Bouhabeini Yahya called on the Spanish government to assume its responsibilities towards the Saharawi refugees. (SPS)

