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Sahrawi coordinator with MINURSO received by Spanish State Secretary for Foreign Affairs

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Madrid, May 22, 2015(SPS) - Saharawi coordinator with MINURSO (the UN  Mission for Referendum in Western Sahara), member of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front,  Emhamed Khedad, was received  Thursday in Madrid by Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Ignacio Ibáñez.


 The talks focused on the latest developments of the question of Western Sahara and the prospects of the peace process led by the United Nations after the adoption of the latest resolution of the Security Council, as well as bilateral relations and cooperation.


 Mr. Khedad expressed the concerns of the Polisario Front in the face of the inertia that characterizes the mediation of the United Nations, which only serves to reinforce the Moroccan occupier in its arrogance and contempt for international law.


He stressed that Spain, as administering power of Western Sahara under international law and as a member of the UN Security Council, has the historic political and moral duty to do everything possible to contribute to the completion of the decolonization process.   


For his part, Mr. Ibáñez reaffirmed the interest granted by Spain to a solution as soon as possible to the conflict in Western Sahara on the basis of the UN resolutions, calling for the strict observance of the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination under the UN Charter, and announcing the Spanish government plans to increase humanitarian aid to the Saharawi refugees.(SPS)

