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Saharawi coordinator with MINURSO receives UN Special Envoy Kim Bolduc

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Shaheed Elhafed, May 10, 2015 (SPS) - Mhamed Khaddad, in charge of coordination with the MINURSO,  received on Friday the Special Envoy of the Secretary General and Head of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), Kim Bolduc.


The Saharawi official discussed with the head of the MINURSO the latest developments related to the Western Sahara conflict in light of the recent resolution of the UN Security Council, which extends the mandate of MINURSO for another year without the monitoring of the human rights situation.


They also discussed the topics covered by recent meeting of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front, where the Polisario Front has clearly signaled that any agreement with MINURSO must put both parties on an equal footing while taking into consideration that the main mission of the MINURSO is to organize a fair, free and transparent self-determination referendum.


Another issue discussed was the final procedure taken by the Sahrawi army in the liberated areas requiring to UN vehicles operating in Western Sahara to carry license plates of the international organization as a sign of neutrality in the conflict.


Kim Bolduc was accompanied by the representative of the MINURSO in the refugee camps and military commands of the international mission that monitors the ceasefire signed between the Sahrawi and Moroccan armies. (SPS)

