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Support for Saharawi cause is constant principle in our foreign policy (Timorese Foreign Minister)

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Dili (Timor Leste)   09 May 2015 (SPS) - Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Timor Leste H.E. Hernani Coelho has reiterated that support for the Saharawi cause is a constant principle in the foreign policy of his country, during a meeting with the SADR Ambassador, Mr. Mohammed Slama, at the headquarters of the Foreign Ministry in Dili.


"In East Timor change affects walks of life, governments alternate, and support for the just Saharawi cause remains a common denominator and constant principle in our foreign policy," reaffirms Mr. Coelho.


The Timorese Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation renewed his country's firm position in support of the just cause of the Saharawi people, stressing in the same context that the resolute and supportive position for the Sahrawi cause remains one of the constant principles of the foreign policy of East Timor. 


He also stressed his country's desire to play a "special role" for the benefit of the Saharawi cause at the regional and global levels.


For his part the Sahrawi Ambassador, Mr. Mohamed Slama, reviewed the developments related to the Sahrawi issue, especially the recent Security Council resolution 2218 that extends the mandate of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara for another year. (SPS)

