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Fifth International Conference of Solidarity in Ljubljana demands Slovenia to recognise SADR

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Ljubljana (Slovenia), May 8, 2015 (SPS) - The Fifth International Conference of Solidarity with the people of Western Sahara that took place on May 6, 2015 at the Museum of Ljubljana, has proposed to the Slovenian government to recognize the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic and work for its recognition in the EU.


The Conference that was organized by the Institute of Studies on Western Sahara and the Polisario Front representation, asked the Government of Slovenia and the Slovenian civil society to play a more active role in defending human rights in Western Sahara.  


It also asked them to provide the necessary humanitarian assistance to the Sahrawi refugees and support the implementation of the inalienable right to self-determination and the independence of the Saharawi people in accordance with the Charter and UN resolutions.


It expressed strong support for the struggle of the Saharawi people, under the leadership of its sole and legitimate representative, the Polisario Front and reaffirmed the legitimate right of the Saharawi people to fight for national liberation.


It asked the United Nations to immediately implement its resolutions on Western Sahara, through the organization of a referendum of self-determination, free, fair and democratic in accordance with the 1991 peace plan.


It demanded on the Moroccan authorities to end its policy of massive violation of human rights and the immediate release of all Saharawi political prisoners.


It required the Moroccan authorities to allow free access to the territory of Western Sahara for independent international observers, human rights organizations and foreign media.


Finally it denounced the systematic plundering of natural resources of Western Sahara, in blatant violation of UN resolutions. (SPS)

