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Russian Anti-globalization Movement reaffirms support to Saharawi struggle

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Moscow, May 1, 2015 (SPS) - The Anti-globalization Movement of Russia on Thursday expressed solidarity with just struggle of the Saharawi people, said its President Alexander Lonov, during a meeting with the Polisario Front’s Representative to Russia Dr. Ali Salem Mohamed Fadel.

Mr. Lonov voiced his full solidarity with the just struggle of the Saharawi people, praising their determination to continue the fight until victory and independence are obtained.

He also expressed commitment to continue working so to lift up the siege imposed over the occupied territories of Western Sahara.

The meeting was an opportunity for the Saharawi diplomat to brief his interlocutor about latest developments on the UN peace process, particularly of which the Resolution 2218 recently taken by the Security Council of the United Nations.

He also took note of the repeated violations of human rights and illegal exploitation of Western Sahara natural resources by Moroccan regime.

Dr. Ali Salem pointed out the obstacles placed by Moroccan regime in the way of a solution guaranteeing the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the United Nations and Security Council.

The movement has in several occasions showed support to the Saharawi people’s right to freedom and independence. (SPS)
