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Western Sahara Action Forum "bitterly disappointed" that the UN Security Council has again neglected its duty to the people of Western Sahara

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London, May 1st, 2015 (SPS).- Western Sahara Action Forum expressed Wednesday its disappointement by the Security Council denial to include human rights in the MINURSO mandate.


"We are bitterly disappointed that the UN Security Council has again neglected its duty to the people of Western Sahara; however the status quo cannot continue » declared WSAF in a statement posted in its website, adding that « the clear statement by the African Union and the efforts of a number of the Security Council members demonstrate growing frustrations with the way Morocco is being allowed to obscure justice; carry out human rights abuses under the noses of the UN; and illegally plunder the resources of a non-self governing territory," said the Forum. 


WSAF highlited that "the world has had enough of Morocco’s occupation. We will keep fighting alongside the Saharawi and the African Union to highlight Moroccan oppression in Western Sahara and help them secure the inalienable right of self-determination for the Saharawi."


"We would like to thank all of those who stood beside the Saharawi in this campaign and urge them to continue to support them in their struggle for freedoms that most of us take for granted," concluded the communiqué. (SPS)