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CNASPS “satisfied” that UN still considers Western Sahara conflict as decolonization question

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Algiers, April 30, 2015 (SPS) - The Algerian National Committee of Solidarity with the Saharawi People (CNASPS) said Wednesday it is “satisfied” that UN still considers Western Sahara conflict as decolonization question.

Members of CNASPS learned of the resolution adopted Tuesday by the UN Security Council on the conflict in Western Sahara and expressed satisfaction with the fact that the Sahrawi issue remains considered by the UN as a decolonization question and therefore amenable to self-determination referendum in favor of the Saharawi people, said a statement of the Committee.

The CNASPS also welcomed the “honorable” position of the African Union, “which in accordance with international law and the African Charter and the UN Charter is resolutely committed, through initiatives, to achieve the emancipation of the last colony in Africa.”

The Committee “like any international solidarity movement with the Saharawi people, is mobilized more than before to accompany the Sahrawi people in their just struggle for dignity, freedom and independence,” says the statement. (SPS)
