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Intergroup on Western Sahara in European Parliament demands organisation of Sahrawi self-determination referendum

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European Parliament, April 20, 2015 (SPS) - The Intergroup on Western Sahara in the European Parliament has asked Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon to urgently act to remove the burdens that prevent MINURSO from applying the international law which requires the consultation of the opinion of the Saharawi people about their future, in a letter today.


They requested adoption of the necessary measures in order to restore the confidence of the Saharawi population within the ability of UN to achieve a fair, long-lasting, and mutually acceptable solution.


They believed it is necessary to adopt mechanisms that enable MINURSO to monitor the respect of human rights in the area and push towards actions to prevent looting perpetrated by Morocco in this territory.


They expressed their concern about the lack of advancement in the peace process carried out by the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), due to the blockade realised by the Moroccan counterpart to the work of your representatives.


They also expressed concern on the repeated violation of human rights in the occupied territories which has resulted in assaults, arbitrary arrests, torture and even deaths of civilians. (SPS)

