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Decolonization of Western Sahara: Messahel calls on UN Security Council to assume responsibilities

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Algiers, March 16, 2015 (SPS) - The United Nations Security Council must assume its responsibilities in completing the decolonization process of Western Sahara, said Saturday evening Minister for Maghreb and African Affairs Abdelkader Messahel.


“The Security Council must assume its responsibilities in completing the decolonization process of Western Sahara,” said Messahel, who was the guest of the programme “Sur le fil” National Television’s canal Algerie channel, recalling that the self-determination is one of the “key and fundamental principles” of the United Nations Charter enshrining the choice of the peoples to self-determination.”


He underlined that the “the Security Council shoulders the responsibility and it is up to its members to  complete the process as defined by the United Nations,” adding that it is imperative that this latter, in its next meeting, establishes mechanisms and ways which will allow the completion of this process.”


In this regard, he called on the Security Council to “put pressure on all the sides to complete the process that has been initiated, namely the organization of a self-determination referendum for Sahrawi people.” (SPS)

