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Mass protest against illegal activities by foreign companies in occupied Saharawi territories

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Smara (refugee camps), March 5, 2015 (SPS) - Dozens of people on Wednesday staged mass demonstration in Smara, Saharawi refugee camps, to protest the continuous illegal exploitation of Western Sahara natural resources by foreign companies, in total conspiracy with the Moroccan occupying state.

Organized as part of the national campaign “no to the looing of the natural resources of occupied Western Sahara”, the demonstration rejected the presence of any multinational company, such as Kosmos Energy and Total among many others, in the occupied part of Western Sahara.

In an audience organized at the start of the mass protest, Governor of Smara Mr. Adda Hmeim reaffirmed the Polisario Front and Saharawi Government’s rejection to the looting of Saharawi natural wealth, warning foreign companies against any complicity with Moroccan occupation.

Numerous slogans in various languages were raised in the demonstration, which affirms the Saharawi people’s rejection of such continued illegal activities.

The event coincides with the announcements by Kosmos Energy of the findings of the illegal oil drilling operations it began last December in Boujdour Block.

According to the organizers of the abovementioned campaign, other sensitization activities will be organized during the next few days to aware about illegal operations by Moroccan occupation and the foreign companies associated with it. (SPS)
