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President of republic pays to late Assia Djebar’s "unflinching support" to Sahrawi cause

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Birlehlu (Liberated Territories), February 8, 2015 (SPS) -President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Mohamed Abdelaziz paid tribute to the "warm solidarity and unflinching support" of Algerian late novelist Assia Djebar to the cause of the Saharawi people.


In a condolence message released Sunday, President Mohamed Abdelaziz welcomed the "great talent" of the writer, director and academician, died in Paris on the night of Friday to Saturday, and who was, he added, a "friend of the Saharawi people" and "a tireless campaigner for human rights."


Referring to his meeting with the deceased "since a few decades in particular circumstances of the struggle of the Saharawi people", Abdelaziz stressed that the late "never spared neither time and energy nor efforts" for the "triumph" of the "just cause" meant to the independence and freedom of his country. (SPS)

