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Polisario Front welcomes resumption of UN Personal Envoy mission, assumption of Special Representative duties

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New York, January 30, 2015 (SPS) –Polisario Front Representative to the United Nations Mr. Bukhari Ahmed has welcomed the resumption of mission of the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary-General, Mr. Christopher Ross, and assumption of the duties of Ms. Kim Bolduc as the Special Representative for Western Sahara.  


 Mr. Bukhari Ahmed highlighted in a statement Friday "the Polisario Front is looking forward to the resumption of contacts with the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Western Sahara, Mr. Christopher Ross, as part of his tour in the region, announced on January 23, by the United Nations, and welcomes the decision of Ms. Kim Bolduc to assume duties as the UN Secretary-General Special Representative for Western Sahara”.


Mr. Bukhari Ahmed urged Morocco which “failed to fulfill its obligations and ruined the UN mediation efforts” to cooperate constructively with the United Nations and the Security Council.


The statement reiterated the full cooperation of the Polisario Front with the United Nations for the decolonization of Western Sahara in a fair, democratic and transparent manner. (SPS)

