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Campaign in Norway against continued occupation of Western Sahara by Morocco

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Oslo, Nov 26, 2014 (SPS) - The Norwegian Student and Academics’ International Assistance Fund (SAIH) has decided to launch a year-long campaign to denounce illegal Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara.

The announcement was made yesterday, Tuesday, in a meeting between Polisario Front’s Representative in Oslo Dr. Limam Khalil and President of SAIH, Jørn Wichne Pedersen.

Launched under the motto “Western Sahara: 40 years is long enough”, the campaign aims at calling upon the Government of Norway to act effectively so that the Saharawi people exercise their legitimate right to self-determination and independence.

It also seeks to intensify pressure on the UN Security Council to enlarge the mandate of the UM Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), when it is up to renewal next April.

The campaign will, therefore, work in order that Norway divests from the companies that do business in occupied Western Sahara in a breach violation to international law and ethical rules.

The campaign will be marked by several activities to aware and sensitize on the question of Western Sahara, the last remaining issue of decolonization in Africa.

Norwegian Student and Academics’ International Assistance Fund (SAIH) is a non-governmental organization working mainly on the support of education in many countries of the South. It is composed of more than 160.000 students and academics. (SPS)
