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US support efforts of UN envoy for Western Sahara

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Algiers, Nov 26, 2014 (SPS) - The United States supports “fully” the UN’s efforts, led by Christopher Ross, to achieve a “peaceful and mutually acceptable solution” to the Western Sahara conflict, said Wednesday the US ambassador to Algiers, Ms. Joan A. Polaschik.

“The US position on the Saharawi issue remained unchanged for years. We fully support the efforts of the UN led by Christopher Ross, personal envoy of the UN Secretary General for Western Sahara, to achieve a peaceful and mutually acceptable solution,” Polaschik said in an interview with Algerian Press Service (APS).

The diplomat went on saying that the US “will continue to support these efforts until both parties (Morocco and the Polisario Front) lead to this solution.”

Regarding the violations of human rights committed by Morocco in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, Ms. Polaschik underlined that her country (US) is following the situation in these territories “as elsewhere around the world.” (SPS)
