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April will see confrontation between Security Council and Morocco, says President Mohamed Abdelaziz

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), Nov 25, 2014 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz on Sunday indicated that the next month of April will witness a confrontation between the UN Security Council and Morocco, adding that it will be an “important date” for discussing the issue of Western Sahara.

In an interview with Radio France International (RFI), President of the Republic regretted that Morocco still persists in its disregard to the UN efforts aimed at bringing about a solution to the conflict of Western Sahara, by placing obstacles to the work of UN Secretary General’s Personal Envoy, Christopher Ross, and prevent Special Envoy, Kim Bolduc, from carrying out her duties in the occupied city of El Aaiun.

President Mohamed Abdelaziz, in the same regard, stated that Morocco goes farther than that by refusing that the United Nations takes the responsibility over human rights and natural resources of Western Sahara.

Regarding the late speech of Moroccan King, President of the Republic underlined that such speech remind the world of “arrogance and stubbornness of colonial regimes in the 1950s and 1960s, which accompanied the rise of liberation movements.”

By doing so, he added, Moroccan King did not only declare confrontation with the Saharawi people, but with the international community and all parties concerned with the Saharawi question.

“The UN, particularly Security Council, is in front of a real challenge by either seeking to impose international legitimacy resolutions on Morocco or yielded to its threats. We believe that UN responsibility lies on facing Morocco’s threats,” said President of the Republic.

With regard to the threats of terrorism in the region, President expressed concern over the growing capacity of terrorist groups in Libya, Mali and neighbouring countries of the region.

Highlighting that Morocco continues to play a negative role in encouraging the state of instability in the region, President Mohamed Abdelaziz went on saying that the policies of expansion and domination persuaded by Morocco “make impossible” cooperation efforts between countries of the region to combat terrorism and extremism. (SPS)
