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UJSARIO attends conference about youth in Thailand

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Bangkok, Nov 25, 2014 (SPS) - A delegation of the Saharawi Youth Union (UJSARIO) participated in a conference about youth role in the current political transformations, concluded Tuesday its work in Bangkok.

The delegation comprised of Hamdi Yusuf, International Secretary of UJSARIO, and Senia Bachir Abderrahman, vice-president of the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY).

Jointly organized by the Swedish Democratic Party and Olof Palme International Center, the conference examined the role played by young people via social media in the current political changes.

The delegation gave a detailed presentation on the reality of youth in Western Sahara, in which they highlighted the difficult conditions experienced by young Saharawi people in the refugee camps and in the occupied part of Western Sahara as a result of Moroccan occupation of their homeland.

They, in the same regard, said that the Saharawi youth in occupied Western Sahara are subject to harassment and arbitrary arrest and tight vigilance on social media.

According to the delegation, the conference held a workshop to find ways to support Saharawi youth on how to build bridges of communication with the outside world via social media, in a view to be able to send out their cause.

UJSARIO delegation seized this opportunity to meet with Mr. Jens Orback, secretary-general of Olof Palme International Center. (SPS)
