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AdalaUK launches campaign for release of Sahrawi political prisoner Embarek Daoudi

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London, November 24, 2014 (SPS) – AdalaUK has launched an urgent appeal to the international community requesting sending mass e-mails to the Moroccan Ministry of Justice for the release of Sahrawi political prisoner Embarek Daoudi on a hunger strike since 1st November, in Sale jail 1, Rabat, Morocco, in a statement Sunday on its website.   


The human rights organization, Justice & Human Rights for Western Sahara, expressed “extreme” concern about the health of Embarek Daoudi, pleading with the Moroccan authorities to guarantee that he has access to appropriate medical help and have regular contact with his family and solicitor.


The organization sought the immediate and unconditional release of Embarek Daoudi as “his detention is based solely on his having exercised his right to peacefully demonstrate and to freedom of expression”.


It urged the Moroccan authorities to guarantee that Sahrawi human rights activists can continue their work without fear of harassment, “fulfilling the obligations that Morocco as signed up to through the International Treaty on Civil and Political Rights and the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders”.


Mr. Daoudi was detained on 28 September 2013, in his house in the centre of Guelmim in southern Morocco, as a result of his political opinion regarding the conflict in Western Sahara, his regular participation in peaceful demonstrations and the fact that he showed a mass grave at Amgala to foreign human rights activists who saw the human remains of eight bodies there and went on to denounce the situation, recalled the organization. (SPS)