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Moroccan authorities expel two American sympathizers with struggle of Saharawi people

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 El Aaiun (occupied territories), November 24, 2014 (SPS) The Moroccan occupation authorities expelled Saturday, two American artists from El Aaiun on a visit to find out about the situation in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, according to Saharawi human rights source.


 The two artists, Tennessee Waston and Yeshe had meetings with Brahim Dahane, president of the ASVDH and El Ghalia Djimi, a member of the same association, on the violations of human rights committed against Saharawis by Morocco .


 The Moroccan police agents in plainclothes and uniforms besieged the residence of the sympathizers in the occupied city of El Aaiun before ordering them to leave the city as "personas non gratas".


 The two American artists were forced by elements of the Moroccan police into a taxi to take them to Agadir (southern Morocco), added the source.


ASVDH denounced this action, recalling that the Moroccan occupier aims through this expulsion of sympathizers  with the Saharawi people's right to self-determination to conceal its flagrant human rights abuses against Sahrawi activists in the occupied territories. (SPS)