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Pierre Galand urges international community to adopt "coherent" policy towards Saharawi issue

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 Madrid, 16 November 2014 (APS) - President of the European Conference of Support and Solidarity with the Saharawi People (EUCOCO), Pierre Galand, urged Saturday in Madrid, the international community to adopt a "coherent" policy towards the Saharawi issue and enable the Saharawi people to exercise their right to self-determination.


 Speaking on the sidelinesof the 39th EUCOCO, Mr. Galand particularly criticized the European Union (EU) for its "waiting" and its policy of "double standards" on the Saharawi conflict, marked by the Morocco's refusal to comply with international law.


 "Europe always said it recognizes the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination, but it does nothing. It must get out of this waiting and work to strengthen international solidarity. We want the UN and the EU to fulfill their missions and that Morocco withdrew from Western Sahara, "he said.


Mr. Galand added that "Europeans often boast as the main donor of international aid funds, but that help is useless if it is not accompanied by a fundamental respect for the right of peoples to self -determination," he explained.


 This is a "facade policy that accompanies the imperialist strategies as Western countries do in general," he noted, calling, in this respect, to "focus on political coherence more than the humanitarian coherence and not otherwise. "


The President of EUCOCO paid tribute to the "exemplary" of the Saharawi people's struggle against the Moroccan occupation and that of the Palestinian people against the Israeli occupation, calling them "just and noble causes that cannot be separated. "(SPS)

