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39th EUCOCO: Security Council, EU called upon to mete out sanctions against Morocco (final statement)

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Madrid (SPAIN), November 16, 2014 (SPS) - Participants in the 39th edition of the European Conference for coordination of support and solidarity with the Saharawi people (EUCOCO) called Saturday in Madrid the Security Council and the European Union (EU) to "mete out sanctions" against Morocco and to "recognize" the Western Sahara (SADR) as "full member" of the UN.


In their final statement at the end of the works of this conference, participants "denounced war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Morocco in the occupied territories of Western Sahara."


They reaffirmed on this occasion, their "commitment" and their "struggle" so as human rights, humanitarian law and international law will be applied for the Saharawi people.


King of Morocco's strategy is "based on rush headlong, illegality of the occupation and all its adverse consequences, the speech of amalgam, diversion, lies and aggressive vis-à-vis Algeria, the challenge facing the international community, the denial of international law, miserably failed today and does not deceive anyone," they said.


The Moroccan government is "on the defensive and is deadlocked as it imposes a refusal against any negotiated solution under the auspices of the UN," they noted. "Not only it (Morocco) represses the people in the occupied territories but it also impedes Christopher Ross, the Personal Envoy of the Secretary General of the United Nations from fulfilling his missions," the participants denounced.


The Conference "offered encouragements to Ross and paid tribute to him for his determination to fulfil his mission and welcomed the UN resolutions and the determination of its secretary general expressed in March 2014 to actively seek a solution consistent with the doctrine of decolonization."


The Conference also denounced the actions of Morocco preventing the mediator appointed by the African Union (AU), Joaquin Chissano, and the Special Representative for Western Sahara and Head of MINURSO, Kim Bolduc to exercise mandate, as well as preventing parliamentarians, defenders of human rights and representatives of charitable associations to visit the occupied territories and to meet the Saharawi resistance and political prisoners. (SPS)

