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Repression in El Aaiun: at least 10 people seriously injured

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El Aaiun (Occupied Territories), November 16, 2014 (SPS) At least 10 people were seriously injured Saturday after a savage intervention by Moroccan forces to disperse demonstrators who were peacefully demanding the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination , stopping the plunder of natural resources of Western Sahara and end of repression in the Saharawi territories under Moroccan occupation.


The injured were ElGhalia Djimi, Ghaliya Joumani, Saadouni Ali, Boiza Aziza Brahim Ali Chein, Mariem Albourhimi, Bechri Bentaleb Aziza Dehwar, Ghlana Boumakhrouta and Zeina Chtouki (eight women and two men), were seriously injured on different parts of their bodies, according to an initial assessment, according to identical sources.


 The Moroccan occupation forces attacked Sahrawi human rights activist Ibrahim Dahane, president of ASVDH, to prevent it from joining the demonstrators and imposed a blockade on the homes of other human rights activists.


 The demonstrators waved SADR flags and chanted slogans condemning the pillaging of the natural resources of the Saharawi people and to expose the Moroccan violations of human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara.


They also denounced the illegal actions of the Cosmos Energy Company for exploration and oil exploitation off the coast of the occupied city of Boujdour, before being brutally dispersed by Moroccan forces, added the same source.


The Occupied cities of Western Sahara have been, for a few days, under unprecedented siege through the deployment of the components of the Moroccan army in the neighborhoods predominantly populated by Sahrawis to prevent any demonstration for independence of Western Sahara, it should be recalled. (SPS)

