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President of Republic meets in Madrid with members of Spanish parliamentary group “Peace and Freedom for Sahrawi People”

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Madrid, November 15, 2014 (SPS) – The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, and the delegation accompanying him, met Friday at the headquarters of the Spanish House of Representatives with the members of the parliamentary group "peace and freedom for the Saharawi people", which includes many parties of solidarity with the struggle of the Sahrawi people for freedom and independence.


 In his speech during the meeting, held before the opening of the International Conference of Support and Solidarity with the Saharawi People, President of the Republic Mohamed Abdelaziz thanked the parliamentary group on their efforts and solidarity with the Saharawi people in its just cause for self-determination and independence.


 "I wish to thank warmly the Spanish Solidarity movement, which provided the right conditions for the holding of the 39th International Conference in Madrid, which carries a lot of meanings and connotations, we and the participants want to awaken Spanish general national conscience, reminding it that Spain committed an abominable crime against the right of the Saharawi people and in the absence of it, "says the president of the republic.


 "From Madrid, we make an urgent appeal to Spain in order to correct the historic mistake and to be in line with international legitimacy, theopportunity is available now, particularly as it is approaching  the membership of the Security Council during the month of January next year," he added.


At the end ofthe meeting, the chairman of the parliamentary group handed a symbolic gift to the   President of Republic. (SPS)

