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Polisario Front expects Spain to put all weight for implementation of UN resolutions

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 Madrid,November 15, 2014 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, stressed Friday that Spain's membership in the international organization "is a great opportunity" to put its weight behind the implementation of UN resolutions.


 Inan interview with Europa Press on the sidelines of holding of the Intenational Conference of Support and Solidarity with the Saharawi People (EUCOCO) in the Spanish capital, Madrid, President Abdelziz stressed that "it is time that Spain no longer part of the problem and becomes part of the solution. "


 After highlighting the importance of the event "for the moment, the conditions and the place where it is held," the Saharawi president made it clear that Spain remains the administering power of Western Sahara and Morocco is only illegal occupying power ".


President Abdelaziz reiterated that "Spain is responsible for what happened and is still happening in Western Sahara", insisting that "it should complete the process of decolonization, applying the right to self-determination of the Saharawi people to heal this open wound in north Africa, affecting the entire region. "


Regarding the content of the speech by King of Morocco Mohammed VI, the Saharawi president stressed that "it closes the door to all legal and democratic choices." 


 Abdelaziz advocated that the Spanish government "recognizes the SADR and open an embassy in Madrid," recalling that so acted the African Union (AU) in 1983 after recognizing the Sahrawi Republic as a member of the organization ".  


"This is the proper position to be taken by the Spanish state and it is right to make this decision now. It would be a historical position that would help to achieve peace and security in the region, but also definitely wash away the shame in the history of Spain for leaving the Saharawi people in 1975," He added. (SPS)

