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President of Republic calls for international action to confront Moroccan disregard to international efforts

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Madrid, November 15, 2014 (SPS) -  The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, called Friday in Madrid foran international action to confront the Moroccan disregard to the international efforts, in his address at the opening of the 39th European Conference for Support and Solidarity with the Sahrawi People.


The President of the Republic considered the last speech of the Moroccan king Mohamed VI as an "encouragement of hostilities" and the consequences that may arise "are numerous and dangerous."


"The most dangerous consequences of this signal launched by the King of Morocco is to continue in its military siege in the occupied territories and persist in violation of human rights through the brutal repression of peaceful Sahrawi civilians," he added.


The President of the Republic reaffirmed the determination of the Saharawi people in their struggle for independence, emphasizing that the resistance of the Saharawi people "puts today Morocco under tremendous pressure."


 He also put the emphasis on "excesses and violations of human rights committed by the Moroccan authorities in the occupied territories of Western Sahara."


Moreover, President Abdelaziz praised countries that support worthy causes in the world, in particular Algeria "for its position in favor of the implementation of the UN resolutions," he added.


He recalledin his speech that the Conference coincides with 39 years of the signing of the infamous Madrid Accords among Spain, Morocco and Mauritania of Ould Dadah, under which, the Saharawi people and its territory were divided, which constitute a shame on Spain, adding that Spain "must bear the historical, political, legal and ethical responsibilities towards the Saharawi people".


Following is the full Speech by His Excellency Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, President of the Sahrawi Republic, Secretary-General of the Frente POLISARIO at the Opening of the 39th European Conference for Support and Solidarity with the Sahrawi People:

Madrid, 14 November 2014

“Mr. Pierre Galland, President of the European Coordination for Support and Solidarity with the Sahrawi People,

Members of the solidarity movement,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today we meet again at this international renewed forum represented by the 39th Conference for Support and Solidarity with the Sahrawi People.

As we hold our conference in Madrid, the Spanish wonderful capital, let me start by expressing our many thanks and deep appreciation to Madrid Federation of Associations of Solidarity with Western Sahara (FEMAS), the Coordination of Associations of Solidarity with Western Sahara in Spain (CEAS-Sahara) and  the Federation of Institutions of Solidarity with Western Sahara (FEDISSAH) who have worked with the Sahrawi missions in Madrid and Spain to organise this event.

Significant developments, events and activities of solidarity and awareness raising have taken place in the period between the 38th and 39th Conferences, under the supervision and leadership of the EUCOCO Task Force. We note with satisfaction the fact that solidarity actions have been expanding in their scope and type in various national, international, political and human rights fields.

We would like to express our profound gratitude and to pay tribute to all members of the solidarity movement and its pioneers, both those who have passed away leaving behind an indelible legacy of solidarity work, and those who continue the solidarity march with unwavering determination and diligence. The Sahrawi people will always be grateful to these great men and women.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is almost forty years since the Sahrawi people launched their struggle for self-determination and independence, under the leadership of the Frente POLISARIO, and with the support of friends and peace and justice-loving people around the world, like you. Despite all sacrifices, suffering and the manoeuvres of our adversaries, the realities on the ground have proved beyond doubt that the struggle of the Sahrawi people will be crowned by the establishment of the independent Sahrawi Republic over the entire national territory as an irreversible reality.

Today, the Sahrawi people are more determined than ever to attain their rights. They are more attached and committed than ever to the principles and objectives of the Frente POLISARIO, and they are more united than ever. The scope of struggle and resistance is increasingly expanding to all areas inhabited by the Sahrawis.

The solidarity movement has been following all the milestones of the Sahrawi peaceful resistance represented by the Independence Uprising in the occupied territories and southern Morocco. Thanks to the resilience and courage of the heroes of the uprising and the national and international solidarity and activism, the Moroccan occupying State finds itself today embarrassed and under mounting pressure because of its abuses of human rights of the Sahrawis, which are documented in dozens and even hundreds of reports issued by international specialised organisations.

When the Moroccan occupying State was no longer able to hide its heinous crimes and violation of international law, the King of Morocco decided, in a dangerous move, to declare outright rebellion against international legality, the UN Charter and resolutions and UN bodies and personnel. Besides, it began denying access to human rights organisations and even intimidating and blackmailing them.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The most serious consequence of the orders given by the King of Morocco to the occupying army has been the tightening of the military and suffocating siege on the occupied territories and the intensification of brutal repression against Sahrawi civilians.

In the face of the policy of intransigence and aggression pursued by the Moroccan regime, the Sahrawi people and their allies around the world remain steadfast and firmly committed to justice, and just causes always prevail.

This new development however puts to test the credibility of the United Nations, the influential international actors and human rights organisations as well as their willingness to assume their responsibilities to confront the Moroccan flagrant violations of the dictates of international law and international humanitarian law.

In his speech on the occasion of commemorating the 39th anniversary of Morocco’s violation of international law, the King of Morocco stated that Western Sahara was not an issue of decolonisation. This statement represents an explicit insult to the United Nations and its principles, institutions and resolutions. It is also a sign of contempt for the international community and its continued efforts deployed since the sixties of the last century with a view to freeing the world from colonialism.

Such a situation only increases tension and instability in a region that is already being destabilised because of the unhindered flow of drugs coming from Morocco, the largest producer and exporter of cannabis in the world, which represent a major source for organised crime and terrorist groups to flourish in the region.

The Sahrawi peaceful people, who are determined to attain their legitimate rights by all means, are looking to see a resolute international action taken to confront Morocco’s contempt for international peace efforts and to accelerate the holding of the self-determination referendum for the Sahrawi people, which is the main mission of MINURSO. This mission must be transformed into a UN effective mechanism operating on the ground to protect human rights in Western Sahara, to stop the plundering of the natural resources, to lift the blockade imposed on the Territory and to remove the wall of the Moroccan occupation, which represents a crime against humanity.

While we salute the memory of the martyrs of the Independence Uprising, the last of whom was the Sahrawi political prisoner, Hassan El-Wali. In the meantime, we would like to warn that the situation of his fellow detainees may deteriorate dramatically, especially in view of the negligence and indifference shown by the Moroccan authorities and the threats made against Sahrawis opposed to the occupation, as expressed in the King’s latest speech.

On the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the Moroccan military attack on Gdeim Izik Camp, we call for the release of all Sahrawi political prisoners held in the jails of the occupying State and for accounting for the disappeared as a result of the Moroccan military, illegal invasion of our country on 31 October 1975.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In Madrid, on a day like this of 1975, the Tripartite Agreement was regrettably signed, which remains a stain on the history of the Spanish state. As we hold our 39th Conference of Solidarity in this city, we are well aware that all Spaniards are eager to remove this stain from Madrid’s face and from Spain’s face as a whole.

We believe that Spain, currently a member of the UN Security Council, can and must assume its historical, political, legal and ethical responsibilities towards the Sahrawi people, by playing an active role in keeping with its legal status as an administering power of Western Sahara and as an influential European country in the region.

We expect the Spanish State to assume today the international obligations and commitments that it failed to assume at that time, particularly with regard to the decolonisation of Western Sahara and enabling the Sahrawi people to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination and independence through an UN-supervised free and fair referendum.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to express our deepest thanks and appreciation to the countries, governments and international organisations that have been strongly active in this global movement of solidarity with the Sahrawi people since the start of their just struggle. I would like to salute Algeria, a country that readily defended the implementation of international legality and came to the aid of the Sahrawi people who were being attacked by many powers seeking to deprive our people of their rights. Algeria’s hosting of tens of thousands of Sahrawi refugees who fled their homeland while being bombed by napalm and white phosphorus, and its hosting of Sahrawi children, women and the needy and providing them with the necessary services over the past 39 years is an extraordinary and commendable testimony of solidarity.

I would also like to pay tribute to Africa, which has embraced the Sahrawi cause as a primary African issue. Today the Sahrawi Republic is a founding and full member of the African Union, which is the partner of the United Nations in its efforts to resolve the Sahrawi-Moroccan conflict. The AU also continues to insist on the need to accelerate the decolonisation of Western Sahara in order to complete the liberation of the African continent.

I would like to salute all of you gathered here, representatives of organisations, countries, parliaments, political parties and associations gathering millions of supporters and sympathizers across the whole world.

You are supporting Sahrawi activists engaged in peaceful resistance in the occupied territories and southern Morocco who are subjected to all kinds of brutal repression at the hands of the Moroccan repressive forces, which the King of Morocco has given free hand to wreak havoc in Western Sahara.

You are supporting a community of Sahrawi refugees who deserve all kinds of humanitarian aid, which they have been forced to seek in order to alleviate the hardships of exile, dispossession and separation.

You are supporting a great people that reject to be humiliated or underestimated, a people that persistently defend the principles and ideals defended and cherished by all humankind. You are supporting a just cause, and like all just causes, it will eventually prevail.

I wish your Conference every success. Let us continue the march until we achieve the victory soon.

The Independent Sahrawi State is the Solution!

Thank you!” (SPS)

