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Polisario Front calls on EU to condemn King of Morocco speech, "affront to peace process"

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Brussels (Belgium), November 15, 2014 (SPS) - The Polisario Front has called on the European Union (EU) to condemn the last speech of King Mohammed VI of Morocco on Western Sahara, it deemed "an affront to the peace process."


King Mohammed VI said on the occasion of the 39th anniversary of the invasion of the territory by Morocco that Western Sahara conflict was not an issue of decolonization. He added that the mandate of the United Nations peacekeeping mission (MINURSO) should not be extended to the monitoring of human rights in Western Sahara.


"The statements of King Mohammed VI is an affront to the peace process by the United Nations" and "discredit all Morocco's efforts to find a solution," said Mohamed Sidati Minister and representative of the Polisario in a letter the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission.


Referring to the UN decision in 1963 to recognize Western Sahara as a non-self-governing territory, the Saharawi official said that the speech of the Moroccan king "discredits the UN, contradicting its charter, the various resolutions adopted by its members, the peace process and direct negotiations under the auspices of the Personal envoy for Western Sahara, Christopher Ross." (SPS)

