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Fourth anniversary of fall of 1st martyr in Gdeim Izik epic

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), Oct 24, 2014 (SPS) - Today, October 24th, marks the 4th anniversary of the fall of the first martyr in the heroic epic of Gdeim Izik, a Saharawi protect camp violently dismantled by Moroccan occupying forces on 8 November 2010.

The 14-year-old young Saharawi child, Najem Al-Garhi, fell a martyr, after Moroccan occupying forces fired live bullets at him.

Martyr Al-Garhi was shot dead at a Moroccan military checkpoint, while he was trying to get into Gdeim Izik camp, near the occupied city of El Aaiun, capital of Western Sahara.

Early on November 8th of the same year, Moroccan occupying forces attacked the peaceful camp using live bullets and helicopters, leaving many injured and several others arrested.

To date, 24 Saharawi political prisoners are still languishing in the dark detention cells of Morocco on the ground of their participation in the aforementioned camp.

The 24 prisoners were sentences by a Moroccan military court to heavy sentences ranging from 20 years to life in prison. (SPS)
