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Fourth Committee: Petitioners appeal for holding of self-determination referendum of Sahrawi people

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New York (United Nation), October 11, 2014 (SPS) - Petitioners made appeals for the holding of the self-determination referendum, through which the Sahrawi people can freely decide their own future, during their interventions Thursday before the UN Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization).


Charles T. NTwaagae (Botswana), reaffirmed his position in support for the right to self-determination for the people of Western Sahara.  Saharans should have the right to choose between independence and integration with Morocco, and be given the opportunity to do so through a referendum.  Welcoming the efforts of the Secretary-General to keep the concerned parties engaged in dialogue, he urged them to approach negotiations with tolerance and mutual respect towards reaching a lasting solution.


Anthony Bosah (Nigeria), called for the exploration of all options to implement self-determination in all colonized territories or under the domination of administering Powers.  Regarding Western Sahara, a referendum on self-determination for the Saharan people was one the most pressing task of the United Nations.  He urged Morocco to continue negotiations to achieve a settlement.


Salka Dahi Bachir (the Sahrawi refugee camps), maintained that the United Nations should not ignore the fact that the Moroccan occupation of the territory was illegal, that Morocco operated a police State and that the world Organization had failed to protect the basic human rights of the Saharans.  Although the conflict was easy to solve, leading countries in the Security Council were backing Morocco despite the obvious violations occurring in Western Sahara.  She believed the only solution to the conflict was to allow the Saharan people to exercise their rights through a free, fair and transparent referendum. (SPS)