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Spanish Association organizes a sit-in of protest in front of Moroccan consulate in Bilbao

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Bilbao (the Basque) , October 11, 2014 (SPS)- The Spanish Association “Askapena” cooperating with the Saharawi community abroad “Disabi” has organized a sit-in of protest in front of Moroccan consulate in Bilbao Spain, against Moroccan repression policy in occupied Western Sahara, according to a source of Polisario Front representation there.


The Source underlined that participants of the sit-in have delivered a letter of protest to the Moroccan consul, against Moroccan occupation systematic policy  in Western Sahara , and the continuing human rights violations.


The letter also denounces the banning of 14 member of the Spanish Association “Askapena” from entering the occupied territories of Western Sahara early this year by Moroccan authorities.

The sit-in has delivered letter of protest to the representative of the Spanish government in Bilbao region which bares Spanish government its historical responsibilities towards Saharawi people, and condemns its complicity with Moroccan occupation policies in Western Sahara.(SPS)


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