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Saharawi president warns against danger of drugs coming from Morocco

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Algiers, Sept 17, 2014 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz warned Sunday against the danger of the “drugs coming from Morocco which are, he said, an important source of funding for terrorist groups.

“In addition to ransom payment, the drugs coming from Morocco are an important source of funding for terrorist groups in the Sahel region,” said President Mohamed Abdelaziz in an interview to the Algerian National Television Channel 3, warning against the “flow of drugs which threaten the stability of the region’s countries particularly as Morocco remains, he underlined, the world’s first producer and exporter of cannabis.”

Saharawi President lamented “the non-respect by Morocco of its international commitments regarding the organization of a free and honest referendum” for Sahrawi people’s self-determination and “its hindrances to the visit of Personal Envoy of UN Secretary General Christopher Ross.”

“The Polisario Front has always cooperated with the United Nations for the establishment of this right guaranteed by the international charters,” he said, adding that his country asserted “its aspiration for peace since the United Nations gave its word of honour for the organisation of a self-determination referendum.” (SPS)
