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Security Council to hold emergency meeting on Ebola virus

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New York, Sept 16, 2014 (SPS) - Security Council of the United Nations will hold Thursday an emergency meeting to tackle the spread of Ebola virus in West Africa.

The U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, who presides over the Council during the month of September, said that Washington hopes this meeting will come up with “concrete commitments” to combat this epidemic.

It is to be recalled that a total of 2300 people have died in several countries in West Africa since the outbreak of the epidemic last March.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cases of Ebola in West Africa are continuing to rise exponentially, with Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone together experiencing a 49% increase in cases in just the last three weeks.

Liberia alone has experienced a 68% increase in cases in the last three weeks, said WHO.

Moreover, the authorities of Nigeria and Senegal have reported a combined total of 24 cases and eight deaths. (SPS)
