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Polisario Front voices concern about Moroccan army alert in Saharawi occupied territories

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Birlehlou (Occupied Territories), August 22, 2014 (SPS) – President of Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, expressed “deep” concern regarding the alert of the Moroccan army in the Saharawi occupied territories, in a letter Thursday to the UN Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon.



The President of the Republic warned against “blatant and dangerous aggression not only on the Sahrawi people but on the United Nations and the entire international community as well”.


"We express our concern and warning that the Kingdom of Morocco may be on the verge of conducting a blatant attack on the liberated territories of Western Sahara, in which Sahrawi army troops, administration, civilian citizens, and the United Nations centers are based," said the President of the Republic.


 “The Moroccan State proceeded to assemble and mobilize its armyin an unprecedented serious and striking development since the signing of the cease-fire between the Moroccan and Sahrawi armies,” he added.


President Mohamed Abdelaziz emphasized if this action happened it would be a “violation of the cease-fire in effect between the Polisario Front and the Kingdom of Morocco since September 6, 1991”.


Finally, he called the United Nations to "immediately intervene and take all necessary measures to prevent the Kingdom of Morocco from acting outrageously like that given the serious consequences and grave repercussions on the efforts of the United Nations and peace, security and stability in the region." (SPS)

