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President of Republic sends congratulatory message to his Mauritanian counterpart on Eid Al Fitr

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Birlehlu, July 27, 2014 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, sent a message of congratulations to his Mauritanian counterpart Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz on the occasion of the advent of Eid Al Fitr.


"It is a pleasure for me to address you on this occasion, on my own behalf, on behalf of the people and Government of the Saharawi Republic, my warmest congratulations wishing the brotherly Mauritanian people more peace, security and progress" , wrote the President of the Republic in his letter to his counterpart in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.


Welcoming the bonds of brotherhood, friendship and good neighborliness between the "two Muslim peoples" ​​the President of the Republic reiterated the continued commitment of the Government of SADR to strengthen and further develop these links in the common service of the interests and aspirations of the two brotherly peoples to live in dignity, security, stability and prosperity. (SPS)

