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Sandblast declares launch of Sahara Marathon 2015

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London, July 16, 2014 (SPS) - The UK human rights charity “Sandblast” on Sunday organized a ceremony to launch its annual awareness event “Run the Sahara” to raise funding for the 15th edition of Sahara Marathon, held in the Saharawi refugee camps in February each year.

Held under theme “recruit 40 runners, one for each year of exile”, the ceremony was attended by a number of sympathizers and people interested in the Saharawi cause, of which the well-known BBC journalists Robin Denselow and Laura Cathery.

“We would like to galvanize wider recognition of the long exile endured by the Saharawis and recruit 40 runners, one for each year of exile, to raise £40,000 to expand the Studio-Live project,” declared Sandblast.

It is noteworthy that the 1st edition of Sahara Marathon took place in 2001 and every year has been attracting growing numbers of participants from around the globe.

The Marathon is held on four stages; 42 km (main) from the Wilaya of El Aaiun towards Smara, 21 km from Auserd towards Smara, 10 km and 5 km from Semi-medical Centre towards Smara. (SPS)
