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Boukhari Ahmed denounces Morocco’s obstruction to self-determination referendum

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Washington, June 17, 2014 (SPS) - Polisario Front Representative to the UN Mr. Boukhari Ahmed has denounced in New York Morocco’s obstruction to the organization of a self-determination referendum in the occupied Western Sahara, calling on the UN Security Council to assume its full responsibility to settle the Saharawi issue.

Boukhari Ahmed spoke Monday at the meeting of the UN Special Committee on Decolonization (the Committee of 24), which was devoted to the issue of Western Sahara.

In his speech, the Saharawi representative recalled that Western Sahara is Africa’s last colony, still waiting for its complete decolonization.

“This is an affront to Africa,” he bemoaned, saying that Western Sahara is a “colonial issue” that is located on the African soil, which struggle for freedom inspired to a large extent, General Assembly resolution 1514 establishing the Committee of decolonization.

In this regard, he quoted former South African President Thabo Mbeki, who described the situation in Western Sahara as “source of shame for us Africans.” (SPS)
