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4543 Saharawi children to spend summer holiday with Spanish families

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Madrid, June 16, 2014 (SPS) - 4543 Saharawi children will spend the 2014 two-month summer holiday with Spanish hosting families as part of the annual programme “Vacaciones en Paz (vacations in peace), to be initiated next Wednesday.

The distribution would be as follow: Andalucia 1005, Aragon 153, 249 Asturias, Baleares 95, Canary Islands 203, Cantabria 40, Extremadura 306, Galicia 326, Castilla y León 236, Castilla La Mancha 323, Catalonia500, Valencia 178, La Rioja 38, Madrid 276, Murcia 153, Navarra 92 and the Basque Country 370.

They will be transported to Spain by 27 special flights.

In a relevant context, other group of Saharawi children has started as from yesterday, Sunday, to set foot in some European countries such as Italy and France, while about 1000 children expected to spend summer holiday in the sisterly country of Algeria. (SPS)
