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El Salvador model of struggle for freedom and justice (President of Republic)

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San Salvador (El Salvador), June 2, 2014 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, has underlined that El Salvador is a model for all peoples of the world in the struggle for freedom, justice and the establishment of an independent state in democracy and peace.


Speaking at a large public ceremony in the main square of San Salvador on the occasion of the investiture of the new president-elect, Mohamed Abdelaziz said pointed out "the Saharawi people is inspired by the experience of the brotherly people of El Salvador and its determination to win, today is achieved through the election of his Excellency the President Sanchez Ceren. "


"We have come far from the African continent, with congratulatory messages of the Saharawi people to the Salvadoran people on the occasion of this success and the new president-elect and his vice," added president Mohamed Abdelaziz.


He also recalled the historical ties of legitimate struggle between the Polisario Front and the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front, expressing his desire to further strengthen these relations  at level of the Sahrawi state, as a founding member of the African Union, for the benefit of the two brotherly peoples countries and strengthening peace, stability and prosperity.


The President of the Republic attended the investiture of the new president-elect of El Salvador, along with more than 100 delegations from the world continents. (SPS)

