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Adala UK : Saharawi political prisoners in Moroccan prisons face prospect of slow, painful death

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London, May 26, 2014 (SPS) - The British ONG Adala UK confirmed in a recent report that “Saharawi political prisoners in Moroccan prisons face the prospect of a slow, painful death given the deliberate medical negligence enforced by the prison authorities. Most detainees suffer severe health issues given the terrible conditions they are living in”.  


“The majority of detainees are imprisoned in narrow cells that do not meet minimum requirements under public health. Here they are subjected to abuse, beatings, torture and psychological stress, all of which negatively impact on their general health.”


“the lack of medical units in the prisons with facilities to treat chronic illnesses means that a detainee must wait days or weeks whilst enduring constant pain until he/she is transferred to a specialist hospital for treatment. At times, prisoners die waiting for these transfers.”


“The symptoms of detainees with illnesses are further exacerbated by the terrible conditions they are living in including: lack of ventilation, extreme heat, overcrowding, as well as the shortage of cleaning materials,” concluded the report. (SPS)